I currently provide Health and Safety advice, support, and training to different establishments, schools, and alternative provisions. I am now a qualified instructor in Health and Safety training.
I have professional experience in business management, worked in payroll, finance, HR, health and safety, risk management, audit, review, compliance, and policy management.
I served as a school governor for over 10 years, and Chair of Governors for over 8 years. I have interviewed and recruited many staff at senior management level including 3 Headteachers.
Health and Safety Compliance Instructor
Level 3 Award in Education and Training
Level 3 Health and Safety in the Workplace
Level 2 Fire Safety
Level 2 Manual Handling
IOSH Fire Risk Assessment Principles and Practice
IOSH Facilities Management
IOSH Managing Safely
Certified Risk Assessor, COSHH Assessor and DSE Assessor
Level 4 Diploma in School Business Management
Trained Designated Safeguarding Lead, Safer Recruitment and Prevent WRAPS
Level 3 BTEC Diploma in Business and Finance